Are LED lights more energy efficient than regular bulbs?

Are LED Lights More Energy Efficient?
LED lighting is the most energy-efficient and cost-effective way to light up your space. This is great news for the planet, and for your budget. Compared to traditional forms of lighting, LED lights consume significantly less energy (typically 80% less), and require next to no maintenance. Plus, they have the longest lifespan compared to other lighting options (typically 80,000 hours).
Below, we’ve listed five of the main advantages of choosing LED lighting.

Cheaper to run
LED lights can save you 80% on your energy bills. All light sources emit energy through heat as well as light, LEDs generate less heat, so the majority of their energy is used as light. This is one of the reasons they last longer and need to be replaced less often. As the cost of electricity currently continues to rise, LED is the best option for saving energy costs. Lower carbon footprint
Did you know that artificial lighting in homes and businesses adds up to 5% of CO2 emissions across the world? Switching to LED lighting is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint. If everyone in the world took this step, this would eliminate the need for over 1,000 new power stations to be constructed.

Longer life
On average, LED lights tend to last considerably longer than other types of lighting. This translates to typically 80,000 hours. That’s around 10 years if the lights were switched on for a full 24 hours a day. Compare that to a traditional halogen bulb that lasts around 2 years or the best of fluorescents that can achieve 5 years. This means that with fewer replacements needed, you can spend less money on lighting.

We sell the best LED lighting products for businesses across the UK. See our full range of commercial lighting here.

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