Maximise the physical & mental health benefits of natural daylight. You really can’t get enough of it!

Humans used to spend the majority of their time in natural light, but for the past century most of us live and work under artificial lighting. As a result, our physical and mental well-being suffers.

Natural light improves our circadian rhythms (a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle), helps motivate & focus us, so making us more effective and productive. A properly functioning circadian rhythm will maximise production of serotonin and dopamine (chemicals which contribute both to both physical health & mental happiness). It helps us to produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D is the key ingredient in strong bone development as the body needs it to absorb calcium, both as we grow and later in life to keep bones strong and healthy. Lack of vitamin D has also been linked to depression, particularly in winter months when 5 to 8% of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) due to reduced sunlight & Vitamin D levels. The body won’t produce more Vitamin D than it needs – so you really can’t get enough natural daylight!

So, the combination of improved circadian rhythm, production of chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and Vitamin D all contribute to help make us more effective, more motivated and more productive

There is strong evidence to prove the benefits of natural light exposure and overall productivity. In the workplace, natural light has been linked with improved focus, efficiency, and less illness with reduced absenteeism. Research indicates that the benefits of daylight exposure at work included increased morale.

So, make the most of the time you have during the current lock-down & spend plenty of time in the garden to recharge!


Good quality LED will address all the above “human centric” factors (not as fully as natural light, but close to it).–

One of the big advantages LED has over its traditional counterparts is that its light output is the closest spectral match of any type of artificial light to natural sunlight. Out of all the lighting technologies, LED is the one that mimics natural light most closely.

 LED emits light at precise frequencies, meaning it can be tailored to specific medical and health ailments.

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